Aug 25, 2020
This week, it's a three man show with Russ, Adam and myself, Nathan, chatting about the justification of expensive Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) retro home consoles, Adam and I argue over which console (SNES or PS1) sound reigns supreme,, World or Warcraft is freaking old, we also learned that none of us...
Aug 17, 2020
We discuss a question about which boxer would win if both of them were at their prime? More Doom Patrol Spoiler talk, plus Watchman opinions and Stargirl fanboying. Also, I'm personally enjoying Adam's journey of catching up with Community.
Aug 10, 2020
This week we are grumpy old gamers who talk about the joys of CRT televisions and to the rest of our friends, sorry not sorry, I’m wearing a mask around you. We are still proselytizing “Doom Patrol” to anyone who still hasn’t been watching this fun show! Then we proceed to convince each other what new shows we...
Aug 3, 2020